Logodesignguarantee.co.uk - Logo Design


They did not honor money back guarantee, Internet


News Verify Security N 01


25th June 2010, 12:36

Case 1

I have today tried to get a basic logo designed using a website called logodesignguarantee.co.uk but after paying £59 online I am starting to get a worrying feeling that I may as well of just give the money away as I have found lots of very poor feedback on Google regarding the company which also has other website names such as 50 dollar logos and so on.

I would call the the firm tho ask questions but they do not have a phone number on their website which causes concern. 



Case 2

Submitted: Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Last Posting: Sunday, October 07, 2012

Reported By: lukeve 


After seeing adverts offering a logo design & website creation service at www.logodesignguarantee.co.uk I spoke to them by phone on 20th September 2011 & asked them to create a logo for my proposed new business and construct a website to my specifications. The agreed price was £599 for the website & £25 for the logo design. I paid by Natwest debit card the £624 by phone, but on receiving my bank statement some time later, I found they had converted the amount into USD, with my bank making an additional charge of £6.52 making a total of £630.52. I had no prior knowledge of the Dollar conversion, nor did I give my consent. This firm also trades as www.logodesignguarantee.com in the United States

Both the logo design service & website construction was being done by email, but despite my very clear requirements they did not provide a suitable logo for the type of business. I then provided a proof of a picture I wanted for a logo , together with a request to add to it a little to make it unique, which they did. Soon afterwards they started to submit outlines for the proposed website, but I was quickly disillusioned. They simply did not grasp the concept of the type of website I wanted, despite me showing them a competitor site that was an ideal base to work from. I emailed them twice, asking to speak directly to the designated designer & phoned them with the same request. I could not get past the phone operator, she said she would pass on a message, but that was not acceptable, I wanted to speak directly to the designer to convey & make clear the concept for the site I wanted.

They were still submitting revisions, but they contained incorrect spelling and were not in line with what I required. Eventually on 17th October I cancelled the site by email and asked for a full refund as advertised on their website. Later that day a lady called Janet phoned me to try to change my mind ,but I refused as I was convinced they simply did not understand my requirements and would not discuss by phone. She then said a refund would take between 5-21 days. I waited patiently until 7th November and requested the refund. I have received auto acknowledgements of my emails but nothing else. In fact I have since found on their website that if any customer is not happy they will make refunds in 5 days. This is stated under “process” > how it works> item 4 “immediate refund within 5 days”

Their guarantee is quite explicit, they will make refunds if a customer is unhappy . This guarantee lasts for 180 days. Apart from the auto acknowledgements, Logo Design have chosen to completely ignore my repeated email requests for a refund.