3 Seo Ecommerce Workshops – One Off

3 Seo Ecommerce Workshops – One Off


01 May 2020, 02-45pm

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3 seo ecommerce workshops -  one off  is design in 3 workshops training courses with all  essential SEO techniques

I only will run all 3 ecommerce workshops once with the complexity of optimising e-commerce website for business

Why only 3 seo ecommerce workshops – one off?

Since I got my product(s) / services on google 1st page with great success i am concentrate in other business that I want to do.


#  1 One-Time Seo

#  2 Seo Audit

#  3 Local Seo

Business like, doctors, dentists local to your area or location

 How can I be on the first page of Google?

You can be on google first page with a lot of hard, hours and long days every week in and out

  • 9 years working on seo
  • 3 websites ranking for different services or products on Google
  • 1 website  going to the market

Search engine traffic is key to the success of an e-commerce website.

But optimising an e-commerce website for SEO has a unique set of challenges that differ from other sites.

Now a lot of people will ask for proves for what am offering, yes no problem i have a demo site ready and ranking on google. So business owners can check and see my results on front of then before they ask any questions and of course is normal. Am not going to spend my money without seeing any results.

In the mean time I will post the site with the 3 seo ecommerce workshops overview outline on all of 3 worshops

Why train with 1, 2 or 3 ecommerce workshops – one off

I don’t consider myself an expert but I will not waste your time and money on any of the 3 ecommerce workshops.

If you want to contact me click here

YouTube video



NOTE:  Our methods derive  from White Hat Seo only.

We follow the rules and regulations to date with guidlines to maintain a sustainable strategy for your business but also ours.